The Flow of Goods (22)Full unit name: The Flow of Goods
Last updated: 28.06.2024 13:53:31
Navigation (2)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Coruscant
Events: The Threat of the Dark Plague
The Threat of the Dark Plague
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (10)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Good, you're back! Did you find it - the first Noetikon?
    I talked to the Noetikon's Masters. They had advice, but no definitive cure.
    Attros Finn
    You actually spoke to them? Amazing. At least we're on the right track.
    How's my master? Is she alright?
    Attros Finn
    Yuon's resting right now; no more outbursts. But the Noetikons are still our best hope.
    I have a solid lead on the second Noetikon. Unfortunately, it's in Black Sun territory. They're a local gang, pretty vicious.
    What would street thugs do with a Jedi artifact?
    Attros Finn
    I'm not sure. This whole situation is odd.
    My sister works at the Silent Sun cantina. She says the Black Sun has turned the cantina's back rooms into some secret warehouse.
    There's shipments going in - my sister saw the Noetikon in one of them. But no shipments are going out again.
    Thank you, Pharen.
    I'll give you directions to the Silent Sun cantina; please, be careful. Those Black Sun gangsters are vicious.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Attros Finn, Pharen
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Curt Willham
    Please, doc, you gotta help me. I don't want to die!
    I'm trying to help you. You need to calm down... wait. What's a Jedi doing here?
    A Jedi relic may have passed through this warehouse.
    A relic, you say. Well, unfortunately, I can guess just where it is.
    Those Black Sun thugs. They call me in to clean up a botched operation, and I find this! They're smuggling contraband offworld--old Jedi junk, data discs - inside people's bodies!
    The Black Sun pay their thugs to carry them, get their stolen relics out and nobody's any the wiser.
    Curt Willham
    A Justicar... those vigilantes from the lower city. One of them paid big to get this stuff offworld quiet-like--especially some "Noetikon." The Justicar's name... he was... Lars something. Lars Baddeg.
    Lars Baddeg gave the Gand another Noetikon to keep safe. He must be behind all this. You said Lars Baddeg wanted the Noetikon offworld. Has it left Coruscant?
    Curt Willham
    Nuhh... no. Not yet. The smugglers... nnnggh... can't get the paperwork to go offworld. They're still here - still hurting....
    Those smugglers are dying, Jedi. I need that contraband out of them, but I have my hands full here. Can you help?
    Just tell me what I need to do. Perhaps one of those smugglers is carrying the relic I need.
    The object I found in this man had a magnetic ID tag, which means that the Black Sun must have scanners to identify their smugglers. You should find one in the other room. And grab some medical supplies - maybe we can keep these men alive.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Maer, Curt Willham
  • Doctor Maer provided medical treatment to Curt Willham
  • Doctor Maer provided medical treatment to Black Sun smugglers
  • Barsen'thor provided medical treatment to Black Sun smugglers
  • Yuon Par attacked Pharen
  • Attros Finn defeated Yuon Par
  • Barsen'thor's Followers acquired Noetikon of Light
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Noab Hulis
    Welcome, Jedi. It is wonderful to see a face so young pursuing knowledge of the light. You honor us.
    My Master, Yuon Par, is very sick. I'm looking for a way to help her.
    Noab Hulis
    How terrible that your occasion for consulting us is so tragic. This is the Noetikon of Light. We are the Masters who devoted their lives to mystical and historical studies.
    Wole Vahn
    If you seek learning, we will aid you as best as we can.
    Nomi Sunrider
    Tell us what you know of this affliction, and we will scour our combined knowledge for an answer....
    Nomi Sunrider
    This is most unusual.
    Noab Hulis
    And very troubling.
    Wole Vahn
    We've searched our considerable knowledge, and compared data from the Noetikon of Science.
    Nomi Sunrider
    This illness you've described - it's more like a kind of mind control.
    How could anyone control the mind of such a powerful Jedi?
    Nomi Sunrider
    Our understanding of the matter is limited. We truly wish we could be of more help.
    Wole Vahn
    It's most like the Jedi trick of persuading weak minds through the Force, except Yuon's tormenter is distant, and her mind hardly weak.
    If someone is doing this to her, how would we locate them?
    Nomi Sunrider
    Well, you could ask-
    Wole Vahn
    No! Nomi! You can't be serious!
    Noab Hulis
    What is the matter, Master Wole? I think Nomi Da-Boda knows best of all of us.
    Wole Vahn
    I don't dispute her wisdom, but the Noetikon of Secrets is the gateway to dark things. If the mind is not properly prepared to face them--
    I will use caution, Master Wole.
    Wole Vahn
    I suppose we don't really have any other options, do we?
    I'll be fine.
    Wole Vahn
    You see what I mean?
    Noab Hulis
    Have compassion, you've heard this Jedi's cause. The Noetikon of Secrets is not dark, though some of its secrets are.
    Go. Bring what we have discovered to the Noetikon of Secrets. Its Masters will guide you.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Nomi Sunrider, Noab Hulis, Wole Vahn
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Ah, there you are! The Noetikons... how is the search going?
    Two of the Noetikons gave me advice. When l find the third, we might have a cure.
    Attros Finn
    I'm glad to hear it. But right now, I need you back at the Embassy. Yuon has taken a turn for the worse. She attacked my assistant Pharen.
    Qyzen Fess
    Yuon is true hunter. Will fight to live.
    Attros Finn
    I've managed to keep her restrained, but I'm worried what will happen if she doesn't calm down.
    Perhaps Yuon will quiet down if I talk to her.
    Attros Finn
    Yes, I was thinking that myself. Come as quick as you can.
    I'm on my way.
    Attros Finn
    Thank you. Please hurry.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Attros Finn
This event took place shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Major Characters
and Fess
Qyzen Fess
Supporting Characters
returned to Attros Finn
Attros Finn
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who had found a lead on the second Noetikon
. His assistant, Pharen
Minor Characters (TOR)
, had a sister who was working at the Silent Sun cantina in an area of Coruscant
controlled by the Black Sun
Black Sun
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
criminal organization. Pharen's sister had seen the Noetikon among one of the shipments going inside the cantina, which the Black Sun used as a secret warehouse. The Jedi and Fess traveled through the dangerous Black Sun territory and reached the Silent Sun cantina.
Barsen'thor found a number of sick Black Sun smugglers
inside, who experienced pain from contraband Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
artifacts implanted inside of them, and who were being treated by a human doctor called Maer
Minor Characters (TOR)
. Using a special scanner, the Jedi traced the magnetic ID tag of the Noetikon of Light and identified the man carrying the artifact inside of him. He helped the man by undoing the surgery using Maer's medical equipment and extracted the Noetikon from his body.
Barsen'thor then activated the Noetikon, consulting Masters Noab Hulis
Noab Hulis
Minor Characters
, Wole Vahn
Wole Vahn
Minor Characters (TOR)
, and Nomi Da'Boda
Nomi Sunrider
Major Characters
, but they had no information on the cure either. As a final desperate measure, the gatekeepers directed Barsen'thor and Fess to the last Noetikon, the Noetikon of Secrets
Noetikon of Secrets
. The Jedi was then contacted by Finn, who informed him that Par
Yuon Par
Supporting Characters
's condition had deteriorated and she had even attacked Pharen. Finn had her restrained, but he them to return to the Senate Tower and hopefully calm her down.
See also
Related organizations
Black SunStructureCharactersCurt WillhamWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)Curt Willham
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Attros FinnJedi Master Yuon Par (Jedi Consular)Sentient speciesMirialanAttros FinnRanksJedi KnightBarsen'thorJedi MasterYuon ParRolesJedi ConsularJedi Knight Barsen'thorJedi Master Yuon ParWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 LightsaberAttros Finn
SmugglerStructureCharactersCurt WillhamWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)Curt WillhamVarious members
Barsen'thor's FollowersStructureCharactersBarsen'thorQyzen FessSentient speciesTrandoshanQyzen FessWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 ElectrobladeQyzen Fess
Related advanced technologies
Noetikon of LightStructureCharactersNomi Da'Boda (consciousness)Noab Hulis (consciousness)Wole Vahn (consciousness)
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Barsen'thor's FollowersWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsBarsen'thor's Lightsaber
Nomi SunriderMembershipNoetikon of LightNomi Da'Boda (consciousness)
Qyzen FessMembershipBarsen'thor's FollowersWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 Electroblade
Yuon ParMembershipJedi OrderJedi Master Yuon Par (Jedi Consular)RelationsWas controlled by Parkanas with The Dark Plague
Noab HulisMembershipNoetikon of Lightconsciousness
Attros FinnMembershipJedi OrderWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Lightsaber
Wole VahnMembershipNoetikon of Lightconsciousness
Curt WillhamMembershipBlack SunSmugglerWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsSSK Heavy Blaster (L9)
MirialanWere among members ofJedi OrderAttros Finn
TrandoshanWere among members ofBarsen'thor's FollowersQyzen Fess
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderBarsen'thor
Jedi MasterMembershipJedi OrderYuon Par
Jedi ConsularMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thorJedi Master Yuon Par
Complete list

Full unit name: The Flow of Goods Last updated: 28.06.2024 13:53:31